
Let’s talk about the birds and bees…

You may not know this but in addition to managing a world-class dream venue, five-star dining establishments, and a spectacular garden, Brahman Hills can now also add full-time beekeepers to their resume.

Honey, we’re home

At Brahman Hills bees are always welcome. We maintain a safe pesticide-free environment in our lush gardens so they can buzz about, pollinate and thrive! With 16 beehives onsite, our beekeepers extract over 200 liters of raw honey which is put to use in our kitchen. But besides being our sole source of rich, organic honey, Brahman’s bees are integral to maintaining healthy ecosystems and supporting our environment.

On that note, have you had the pleasure of wandering through our sensorial, landscaped gardens? It’s no wonder the bees have decided to call this magical maze of textures, pathways, and plant life their home.

Born during lockdown Brahman’s gardens was the breath of fresh air that everyone, staff included desperately needed. They worked tirelessly to bring the vision of a magical garden to life. The result? A sensory, ornamental, and essential paradise that provides the perfect escape from the everyday hustle and bustle.

We built and nurtured a botanical wonderland that would harbor a homegrown harvest of fruit, veggies, and fragrant blossoms all tendered to in our garden kitchen. 

A kitchen that regularly replenishes the Brahman Hills kitchen with fresh, seasonal organic produce. A garden pollinated and essentially maintained by our bees.

A botancial wonderland worth the buzz

Let’s get back to ‘bees-niz’

Have you ever wondered why bees are so important to the environment?

Firstly, their pollination powers mean more fruit, nuts, vegetables, and seeds for us to enjoy with an impressive nutrient value. Almost 90% of the plant species rely on pollinators to reproduce so we can thank our bees for helping plants produce1/3 of our food supply, half of the world’s oils, fibers, and other raw materials such as cotton for clothing. Plants are also used for making medicines, producing oxygen essential to human life, and counteracting global climate change by absorbing CO2. Pretty hard work for such a little creature.

Honeybees specifically can visit more than 2000 flowers a day which means a greater chance of plants producing a vegetable or fruit. They really are the bee’s knees when it comes to pollination and that has earned them the top place among the world’s most efficient pollinators.

We owe a lot to bees. The health of our natural ecosystems depends on these little workaholics, who are also a great indicator of a healthy environment. So, if they’re in danger, so are our plant and animal life. Named as one of the best sustainable weapons to bolster food security and support sustainable farming, we need bees now more than ever.


As if all this isn’t amazing enough, did you know honeybees inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide? A process that is toxic to humans! But for the honeybees, this ‘intentional’ environment decreases their metabolic rate and helps them conserve their energy.

So, you see, bees are pretty special characters, ones the world needs to survive, thrive and maintain sustainability.It’s one of the many reasons Brahman Hills gardens will gladly serve as their home for years to come.

Going to great lengths to protect biodiversity, bees are pollinators that need protection and a haven to do what they do best…

We are happy to have them here and let them..... just BEE!

The Brahman Hills Team
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